Typical Repair Costs

A vehicle service contract.

We know it’s right for you. Our vehicle service contract packages have saved our customers a great deal on car repairs each year.

But you have to know it’s right for you.

The Eleras Group will provide you with the right investment that could potentially save you thousands on your vehicle. Americans spent $397 on average for car repair and maintenance in a period of 5 years, from 2015 to 2019. (Harris Poll survey conducted on behalf of Ally Financial).

These are the most common repairs and their respective costs. See if you’re spending as much and then see how much you will be saving with a vehicle service contract coverage.

Component Cost
Mechanic’s hourly rate $130+/hour
Engine Replacement $7597
Transmission Replacement $4587
Power Steering $1742
Air Conditioning $1820
Drive Axel $2228
Fuel Injectors $1183
Water Pump $702
Fuel Pump $823
CV Joints $935
ABS Brake Module $1380
Electronic Control Module $2025
Suspension $789
Power Seat $605
Cruise Control Module $550
Power Window $562

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